BIND9 daemon is appending installed path while searching named.conf

Lalatendu Das lalatdas at
Mon Feb 11 08:20:12 UTC 2008

Thanks a lot Mark.
But I am facing a new issue.
As u mentioned the searching of named.conf from <prefix_path>/etc/
named.conf can be irradicated by
mentioning --sysconfdir=/etc.
And indeed it worked. But the same problem happing for creating file which will created and tried to be opened at the time
of start of daemon process.

So I searched for other options which can solve this and forund a
directive called
--localstatedir=DIR    modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
here I mentioned it as
But unfortunately the machine in which I am trying to compile and
install the bin's component, I don';t have a super user
permission in that. So things are failing at the time installation
can't create directory /var/run : Permission denied.

Is there anyway I can resolve this without being a superuser in that


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