
Evan Hunt Evan_Hunt at
Thu Feb 7 06:11:46 UTC 2008

Conceptually, that wouldn't make sense.  "also-notify" is a list of
addresses to which NOTIFY messages should be sent; an ACL is a test that
a given query can either pass or fail--you can't really mix them up.
(What would "also-notify { any; };" do?)

I think I see what you're asking--can we make it so a named ACL, containing
only IP addresses, could be referenced within an also-notify statement as a
shorthand for the address list, e.g.:

        acl iplist {;; };
        notify explicit;
        also-notify { iplist; };

It would be possible to do that, but it strikes me as a serious misuse of
the "acl" syntax.   I wouldn't expect it.

> OK, I see that they are not.  Will this be available in future versions?
> -----Original Message-----
> Is the use of ACL's allowed in also-notify statements?

Evan Hunt -- evan_hunt at
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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