9.5.1b2 rbtdb.c assertion failure

Fr34k freaknetboy at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 31 20:09:39 UTC 2008


Running 9.5.1b2 on Solaris9.
Crashed with this info:

Dec 31 13:04:25 named[308]: [ID 873579 daemon.crit] rbtdb.c:1482: REQUIRE((node)->references > 0) failed
Dec 31 13:04:25 named[308]: [ID 873579 daemon.crit] exiting (due to assertion failure)
Dec 31 13:05:07 genunix: [ID 603404 kern.notice] NOTICE: core_log: named[308] core dumped: /var/core/core.named.308.server.0.0.1230746686
[root at server root]# named -v
BIND 9.5.1b2

Below is what I found among BIND versions regarding rbtdb.c issues, but I don't see a match to what affected us.
Anyone have any ideas?


--- 9.6.0b1 released ---
2481.     [bug]                     rbtdb.c:matchparams() failed to handle NSEC3 chain
                                                collisions.  [RT #18812]
--- 9.6.0a1 released ---
--- 9.5.1b2 released ---
2415.     [bug]                     'rndc dumpdb' could trigger various assertion failures
                                                in rbtdb.c. [RT #18455]
--- 9.5.1b1 released ---
--- 9.5.0b3 released ---
2327.     [bug]                     It was possible to dereference a NULL pointer in
                                                rbtdb.c.  Implement dead node processing in zones as
                                                we do for caches. [RT #17312]
--- 9.5.0a2 released ---
2156.     [bug]                     Fix node reference leaks in lookup.c:lookup_find(),
                                                resolver.c:validated() and resolver.c:cache_name().
                                                Fix a memory leak in rbtdb.c:free_noqname().
                                                Make lookup.c:lookup_find() robust against
                                                event leaks. [RT #16685]

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