Setting rr dns to only return one record?

JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 Jinmei_Tatuya at
Tue Dec 9 20:25:57 UTC 2008

At Tue, 09 Dec 2008 08:59:38 -0700,
"Dustin Lovell" <dlovell at> wrote:

> Greetings all. Is it possible to set up BIND in such a way that if
> there are multiple A-records for a specific host, instead of
> returning all of them in response to a request and only changing the
> order with every second request, the server only returns one
> A-record, and varies that A-record with every second request?

It's not possible.  And in case you're wondering, it breaks the notion
of "resource record sets", so it's unlikely to be implemented in the

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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