Zone file not updating

Nelson Serafica ntserafica at
Wed Aug 20 06:45:02 UTC 2008

I'm updating the mx record in one of our hosted domain in our dns server. After I change the mx record of the zone file, I do rndc reload to apply the mx record and forward the copy to my secondary nameserver. However, when I do "dig mx <domain>", mx record doesn't change. Here is the log:

 Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: received control channel command 'reload'
Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: default max-cache-size (33554432) applies
Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: default max-cache-size (33554432) applies: view _bind
Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: reloading configuration succeeded
Aug 20 14:40:42 DNS1 named[1419]: reloading zones succeeded

I remember I do chattr +i named.conf before this problem happen. So, I did is reverse the command chattr -i named.conf. But since then, it seems its no more updating the zone file. Here is the output of lsattr

------------- ./named.conf-07252008A
------------- ./nelsonts1
------------- ./root.hints.db
------------- ./deldomain
------------- ./named.conf-recent
------------- ./named.conf-05052008
------------- ./named.conf
------------- ./named.conf-05202008
------------- ./old_files
------------- ./named.conf~
------------- ./nelsonts
----------I-- ./namedb
------------- ./named.conf-07252008
------------- ./root.hints08212007
------------- ./localtime

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