ls -d

jmc jmc at
Mon Aug 11 14:15:37 UTC 2008

--- Ejaz [Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 04:43:25PM +0300]: --- 
> Dear all, 
> I have two dns server with same version of bind and with similar configuration, 
> When ever i go with my ns2 (  server into nslookup mode, any can  can run the command: ls -d "domain name" as an arugement and gettting full dump information about that domain. 
> Please can any one guide me that How do I set up my Bind to not show my domain if someone does this(ls -d "domainname")  to me. 

as far as i know, ls -d just does an AXFR, so just disable AXFRs for the
IP making the request. i could be missing something, however.

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