What would be happen if one of two dns was down?

MontyRee chulmin2 at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 9 07:43:55 UTC 2008

Hello, all.

I have operated two dns(primary and secondary) for one domain like below.

example.com    IN       NS        ns1.example.com
example.com    IN       NS        ns2.example.com

and there was a event that ns1.example.com dns was down.
As I know, if ns1 dns is down, all requests go to the ns2.example.com.

But  when ns1.example.com dns was down, actually some people can't lookup the domain.

What's the problem and how can I solve this problem?

If I adding some dns server like ns3,ns4.ns5, it would be helpful to solve this problem?




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