ISC BIND 9.3.5-P2 is now available

JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 Jinmei_Tatuya at
Sat Aug 9 03:08:05 UTC 2008

At Wed, 6 Aug 2008 01:07:16 +0000 (UTC),
Gary Mills <mills at> wrote:

> Here's the explanation, from the select man page:
>      EINVAL    The nfds argument is less than 0 or  greater  than
>                FD_SETSIZE.

At least some versions of Solaris (I don't know bout Solaris 9) allows
an application to be compiled with an increased value of FD_SETSIZE.

But, for a quiet server, even the default setting is P1 should be fine
as you have experienced.  You can simply go with P1 without tweaking

> Now, bind-9.3.5-P2 works nicely under Solaris 9, at least on a
> quiet server.  The number of file descriptors used for sockets is
> low, in the 10 to 30 range.  Here's an example:
>   # pfiles 4013 | grep S_IFSOCK | wc -l
>         13
> CPU usage is generally also reasonable.
> select() works correctly because bind always sets `files = FD_SETSIZE'
> and then reserves 512 of them.
> I'm about to start bind-9.3.5-P2 on a busier server, replacing
> bind-9.3.2-P2.  I don't expect any problems.

JINMEI, Tatuya

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