private address 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x on a public dns

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at
Tue Apr 29 00:03:44 UTC 2008

> Hello,
> I am trying to find some information that I already believe to be
> true.
> I belive: You shouldn't configure a DNS, that answers queries to the
> internet, with a host that will point to a private address.
> Our engineering department wants me to do the following:
> host      IN       A
> on a nameserver that answers queries to the internet.
> I feel this is wrong, I think this is not allowed, but I can not find
> the RFC, book, internet article that will support my claim. My google-
> foo has failed me. Can anyone lend a helping hand, or if someone can
> lead me to documentation that says it is ok to do so would also be
> helpful.

	Read RFC 1918.

	This is the RFC which allocates these addresses for private use.


   If an enterprise uses the private address space, or a mix of private
   and public address spaces, then DNS clients outside of the enterprise
   should not see addresses in the private address space used by the
   enterprise, since these addresses would be ambiguous.  One way to
   ensure this is to run two authority servers for each DNS zone
   containing both publically and privately addressed hosts.  One server
   would be visible from the public address space and would contain only
   the subset of the enterprise's addresses which were reachable using
   public addresses.  The other server would be reachable only from the
   private network and would contain the full set of data, including the
   private addresses and whatever public addresses are reachable the
   private network.  In order to ensure consistency, both servers should
   be configured from the same data of which the publically visible zone

> Best Regards,
> Roger Murray
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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