Kevin Darcy kcd at chrysler.com
Fri Apr 18 04:26:38 UTC 2008

Charlie B wrote:
> So lets say I wanted to expand on my DDNS (DNS+DHCP) to encompass
> DNS Pri w/ DHCP
> DNS Sec w/ DHCP
> If both DHCP were in a failover setup how can I have either DHCP update the
> zones via DDNS to either DNS or have one assume primary role should the
> other become unavailable?
> Is this possible?  If so can you lead me in the right direction.
In stock BIND, Dynamic Updates are only processed by the master. If a 
slave gets a Dynamic Update the most it can do is forward it to the 
master. So in order for this failover scenario to work with stock BIND, 
you'd have to have some way of automatically reconfiguring the slave as 
master when the master goes down, or a modified version of BIND where 
slaves can accept Dynamic Updates,  the so-called "multi-master" 
capability. In the latter ("multi-master") case, you'd need some sort of 
reconciliation mechanism so that the "masters" can synchronize each 
other's views of the data. Typically this is only done when there is a 
backend database -- e.g. an LDAP directory or an RDBMS -- that all of 
the "masters" are merely frontending. The backend database mechanism 
then acts as arbitrator.

         - Kevin

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