is my router a slave?

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Apr 9 20:34:53 UTC 2008

Gerry Reno wrote:
> I am seeing this in the log:
> Apr  8 19:54:38 grp-01-30-50 named[8947]: client view 
> internal: received notify for zone '': not 
> authoritative
> Apr  8 19:54:38 grp-01-30-50 named[8947]: client view 
> internal: received notify for zone ''
> is the IP of my internet router.  It's also the DHCP server 
> for the network.  Would it also response to notifies?
I doubt that the router itself is generating these NOTIFYs. The reason 
they seem to come from your router is most likely because your router is 
NAT'ing in both directions, yes?

If that's the case, then this boils down more simply to "why am I 
getting NOTIFYs from hosts I don't know?"

Answer: probably because someone typo'ed a name or address in their DNS 
config, or in the NS records of the zone (possibly a private version of 
the zone in question, so it might be hard for you, the unintended 
victim, to track down the typo).

There's an outside chance that this might be some sort of malicious 

If you want to track down who exactly is sending you these NOTIFYs, you 
might need to turn on some sort of logging in your router. Or run a 
sniffer/packet-capture on the other side of the NAT.

                           - Kevin

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