wildcard zone

etr theskilly_NOSPAM_ at yahoo.it
Sat Sep 29 10:17:37 UTC 2007

Hi to all,

i would like to implement a dns service that works in this way:

If a domain requested exists my server will answer with the correct IP but 
if a domain does not exist, i would like to answer with a "standard IP".

Request:   google.com  Answer:
Request:   adedaf.com  Answer:
Request    bcbcdf.com Answer:

I've tried to do this adding a "." zone to the named.conf, the standard 
answer for unextisting domains works succesfully but, of course, i can't 
solve any domain for wich i'm not authoritative because i do not know how to 
add the standard zone for the root ns.

Thanks in advance for any hint.


P.S.  I think that what i want is similar to what OpenDNS offers in fact, 
when you type an incorrect domain, you a redirected to a search page ...

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