memory leak or other problem

Andrew Armstrong andrew at
Tue Sep 11 00:57:12 UTC 2007

I have a strange problem with my bind servers where the process runs 
great until the memory usage gets very high. I am running CentOS 4.5 and 
the latest version of Bind for that distribution bind-9.2.4-24. On one 
of my servers there is not enough RAM in the system and about every 24 
hours I have to restart the bind server. After I restart everything runs 
great until I get to about 80% memory usage.

The same problem happens on my other 2 servers but they have 2 and 4 GB 
of memory so this takes much longer. When the memory usage gets to 
around 80% or more the dns server stops responding and I get a 
notification from my nagios monitoring system.

Has anybody experienced this and if so what have you done to fix it? I 
would like to just let these servers run and not have to worry about 
them. I do realize I could just restart them every day but this is only 
gonna work as long as they don't have to be restarted more then once a 
day which for now is ok. I would like to find a more permanent solution 
and more insight into what is causing this.

Thanks for any help. I searched google long and hard and have not found 
anything that really helped.

Andrew Armstrong
Chattanooga Online
andrew at
423-267-8867 Ext. 303
fax: 423-648-2808

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