bind selective delegation, is it possible?

Zachary Denison zacharydenison at
Tue Mar 27 23:53:17 UTC 2007


I am trying to solve a DNS problem.   I am trying to delegate my to another nameserver for the A record  but I still want
the MX record to be served by the original server.  The reason for
this is that I have load balancers and they expect to be delegated the
NS authority for the domain of the website (so I have delegated with no problem)  Now the problem I am having is that I
also want to be able to load balance  since it is
quite common not to use the wwws nowadays.  The nameserver
functionality on these loadbalancers is primitive and they only
support A records.  If I put in an NS record on the master dns server
and delegate to my load balancers, my email breaks because
the DNS engines on the load balancers dont serve up MX records, only A
records, but the delegation is relinquishing authority from the master
server.  If I use a CNAME, its the same thing, it delegates the entire
domain and the master server becomes no longer authoritative for the
MX record.  Is there a way I can delegate to my load
balancer for A records only but retain authority for the MX records?
Or is there some other better way to accomplish this?

Thank you very much.


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