Recent Problem with BIND 9 under Windows XP

Danny Mayer mayer at
Sat Jun 30 03:37:31 UTC 2007

Vincent Poy wrote:
> You're right about the lack of syslog in Windows so it will only log a
> event rather than detailed like syslog on a Unix box would.  Is there
> a way to log to a specific logfile using named.conf in Windows?

No, you are not getting far enough to start the logging. That's why I
told you to use the pid-file none; option. While you are at it, does the
pid file exist in the directory you specified for it?


> Thanks for the reminder about testing named from the command line, it
> runs from a different user account.  I tried running it on the command
> line as the named user and it appears to run correctly:

Proves nothing except that the zones will load. Even if they had failed
to load you would have seen that in the application event log.

> When I tested it originally, it was running from the vince account on
> the command line and the vince account is setup as a Administrator.
> One thing that puzzles me is that for the ISC BIND service, if I
> change it to run as Local System Account, it will run fine but if I
> tried it with named or vince, it will have the problem after 3 seconds
> (I timed it this time) that I mentioned when I wrote the original
> message about this problem.  So I don't know why it's won't start the
> service running as the named user when it worked in the past.

That means that you have a file permission problem.


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