log rotation

Tony Earnshaw tonni at hetnet.nl
Wed Jun 27 04:25:21 UTC 2007

Clenna Lumina skrev, on 26-06-2007 23:47:

> Out of curiosity is it better to use bind's rotation mechanism over 
> logrotate if you have that on your system, or does it not really matter?

I'm a Red Hat logrotate freak (addict) and moreover have syslog-ng (rpm, 
of course) running on all of my important production machines for 
fine-grained control.

However, the one exception is bind, it does a fine job on its own (have 
multiple log files for different purposes) and using logrotate would 
simply be redundant and lead to more compulsory administration on my part.


Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl

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