BIND covered under which license and does it conatin any cryptographic content ?

Paul Vixie Paul_Vixie at
Fri Jul 20 04:38:36 UTC 2007

> > IN the site I found a line written about license is that "BIND is
> > available at no charge under the BSD License"
> It seems a small error. While ISC license is a 2-clause BSD, I do not
> think that many people call "BSD" a license which is not the 3-clause
> or the 4-clause one.

the BSD license was exactly like ISC's is now, when we first copied it.
in the years since then the UC Regents have thought about things like
advertising and have added and deleted various clauses.  ISC hasn't
thought about that stuff, and the original BSD license is just fine for
our needs.

> In practice, ISC license is a BSD, with the third clause ("Neither the
> name of the <organization> nor the names of its contributors may be
> used to endorse...") removed.

well, yes, except that those were added after our license fork, and were
never present here, and were never deleted here.  we probably started with
the 4.2BSD license.  alas, i do not have the 4.2BSD sources, nor any system
running that code where i can look at /usr/include for an example.  anybody?
(it's also dimly possible that we forked an old MIT X license, which was at
that time identical to the BSD license, and may well still be for all i know.)

> > Thirdly in wikipedia I found BIND9 covered under ISC license which is
> > functionally equivalent to BSD.
> > 
> >
> It seems a fair description.

odd that they got the names wrong.  ISC at the time this license was forked
was "internet software consortium".  today's "internet systems consortium" is
the successor-in-interest to the old "internet software consortium" but the
name of the entity who forked this license is the old name not the new name.

that wikipedia entry also refers to an FSF question, which turned up some
interesting ugliness with the word "and" in the first sentence, as abused by
somebody in some other project.  we're going to say "and/or" from now on, to
remove any possible concern or confusion about what we meant by "and".  i
hate this kind of thing, it reminds me that lawyers used to get paid by the
word.  "never use two words when one will."  and so on.

> And why do some people write licence with a c and some with a s?

depends on which side of the road you drive on, i guess.
Paul Vixie

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