Bind 9.2.5 and IPv6 fails with client.c:1325: unexpected error: failed to get request's destination: failure

Roland Dirlewanger Roland.Dirlewanger at
Tue Jan 16 23:06:01 UTC 2007


I have a very strange problem with a Bind server version 9.2.5 on Fedora 
Core 3.

Named listen to one IPv4 address and any IPv6 address. The configuration 
has been running for many months. No changes where made recently to the 
configuration except for adding or removing slave zones.

The symptom is that the server does not answer request to the IPv6 
address + port UDP 53. It still answers requests to the UDP and TCP port 
53 using IPv4 and to the TCP port  53 using IPv6. Using dig on the 
server, or on any server on the same LAN, leads to the following behavior :
- dig ns some.domain @IPv4-address : works fine
- dig +vc ns some.domain @IPv4-address : works fine
- dig +vc ns some.domain @IPv6-address: works fine
- dig ns some.domain @IPv6-address: works once or twice immediately 
after restarting named, fails afterwards

The logs show the following message :
Jan 16 23:34:25 named[32125]: failed to get request's destination: failure
Jan 16 23:34:27 named[32125]: client.c:1325: unexpected error:

I had a look on client.c around line 1325 but it didn't help much.

Does someone on the list have an idea on what's wrong ?

Thanks very much in advance.


Roland Dirlewanger
CNRS - Délégation Aquitaine-Limousin
Esplanade des Arts et Métiers - BP 105

Téléphone:, Télécopie:

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