compiling bind for 64bit arch

Tony Earnshaw tonni at
Wed Feb 7 01:34:55 UTC 2007

Stephen John Smoogen wrote, on 06. feb 2007 23:02:

>> I'm trying to build bind9.3.4 for 64bit architecture Linux.
>> Are there any specific settings needs to be done for this?
> Not that I know of. I think SuSE already has a binary for x86_64 bind
> so I would check with that (and if not look at the RHEL-4 recipe.)

There are no RHEL/RHAS4 out-of-the-box Bind 9.3.4 solutions; I know, 
because I've just spent a day or so (having to) adapt(ing) an FC5 9.3.4 
srpm for my i686 RHAS4 rigs. Apart from anything else, RHAS4 doesn't 
like the stock FC5 srpm dbus stuff.

Why I bothered I really don't know, 9.2.4 works perfectly well enough 
for our needs and RHEL/RHAS5 is just around the corner, anyway.



Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl

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