[SPAM?] need help

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sun Dec 30 02:32:13 UTC 2007

pfwu wrote:
> *I installed bind 9.4.2 on windows xp sp2 and configured it,but have a
> problem:*
> *I can start named using "named -f" or "named -g", and it works well.
> When I use "net start named" to start named as a service, the "error
> 1067" occured . What should I do, in order to start bind as a service ??? 

You should not be sending this to bind9-bugs. It's a configuration error.

1) Did you look at the error message in the application event log? If
you did why did you not post the error message?

2) Do you have a directory directory in the options section to tell
named where to look.

3) Did you set up the directory where the files reside and make it
writeable by the account you created when you installed the binaries?
named needs write access to the directory for things like writing the
pid file.


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