question regarding memory handling in liblwres

Matthias Wimmer m at
Wed May 31 00:37:19 UTC 2006

Hi list,

I hope that my question is welcome on this list. At least I could not 
find a more adequate list for my question.

I try to use liblwres to do asynchronous DNS queries for SRV records. By 
reading the source, I found out, that I can do this using basically the 
following call flow/have to use the following functions:

/* at program startup */

while (program_running) {
    /* for each request */

    /* response arrived */

    /* using the result */
    /* ..... */

    /* freeing the result */

/* at program shutdown */

The problem with this is, that not all memory, that gets allocated, gets 
freed as well. lwres_grbnrequest_render() allocates memory for the 
result buffer (last_function_argument->base). How is it intended to get 
this memory freed? I would consider it an implementation detail, that 
liblwres uses malloc()/free() as long as the caller does not provider 
other functions. Therefore I cannot just use free() to free the 
allocated memory. But I also I cannot use lwres_free() nor ctx->free() 
as I do not have access to these functions (they are internals to the 
implementation of liblwres as well).
So what is the suggested way to free this memory again?

Thank you for your help in advance
Matthias Wimmer

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