Arbitrary associating an ip to a particular domain

sebastien.martini at sebastien.martini at
Mon May 29 21:24:52 UTC 2006

Hi guys,

I'm a newbie with bind and i look for any kind of help.

I have a simple bind server caching dns queries, the requests are
forwarded to my isp if there are not already in cache. This is just a
basic configuration. So i have a local network, wich use this cache as
nameserver, thus let me explain my problem:

For some reasons i don't want cache and return the real ip of a
particular domain. For example, if user queries (which
doesn't belong to me), i don't want that bind first forward the query
to my isp then reply with the appropriate ip, instead, i wish it had
replied say with (a local server).  In short, i want to
associate with a fixed ip: and that without
forwarding the request.

First i don't know the best way to resolve my problem: is it possible ?
should i insert the couple of values in the cache ? can i ? is there
some tools doing that ?

BTW, i don't want to modify the clients hosts files.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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