Easiest Way to change Address of Master and Slave DNS's

vze8j5fg at verizon.net vze8j5fg at verizon.net
Wed May 17 14:43:21 UTC 2006

>From: Barry Finkel <b19141 at achilles.ctd.anl.gov>
>Date: Wed May 17 08:32:05 CDT 2006
>To: bind-users at isc.org
>Subject: Re: Easiest Way to change Address of Master and Slave DNS's
>Martin McCormick wrote, in part:
>>> 	Due to some network reorganization, there are some who 
>>> would like to change the IP addresses of our master and slave 
>>> domain name servers.  We haven't changed these
>>> A records in twelve years.  Since then, we have expanded from supporting one
>>> forward zone and a couple of reverse zones to 77 forward zones
>>> registered by almost as many different people through many companies.  
>>> 	If we must do this, is there any elegant way to
>>> keep from having to handle these domains one at a time?  I am 98%
>>> certain the answer is no, but I will ask anyway.
>and Mark Andrews <Mark_Andrews at isc.org> replied:
>>	Well if the nameservers only have single names each (which
>>	is why NS records take names not IP addresses) you only
>>	need to change the host records for the nameservers.
>There also is the problem of clients that have the IP addresses of
>the name servers buried inside TCP/IP configurations, and those
>name servers are referenced by IP address.  All of the local clients
>of the DNS servers whose IP addresses are changing will have to
>change the IP addresses in the TCP/IP configurations.
>Barry S. Finkel
>Computing and Information Systems Division
>Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
>9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
>Building 222, Room D209              Internet: BSFinkel at anl.gov
>Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994

also, if there are any caching servers that point to the master and/or slave, then those addrs in the named.conf need to change too
BTW, if it is possible, I would suggest changing one of the servers (either master or slave) at one time, make sure the new is answering then change the second to minimize impact.

Cindy Johnson
ITezz Inc.
cljohn4 at itezz.com

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