simple newbie question: personal root server

Oliver Wendell Jones noone at nowhere.not
Sun May 7 13:00:39 UTC 2006

I'm trying to set up my own private DNS, disconnected from the net 
It seems I can get named to work with the root domain, but not with
delegated domains.  Here's the entry in the conf file for root:

zone "." IN {
         type master;
         file "named.root";

Here's the root zone file:

@                       86400   IN      SOA     kyousuke.kasuga. root 
(2006050601 1800 900 604800 86400)
                         86400   IN      NS      localhost
                         86400   IN      NS      manami
localhost               86400   IN      A
manami                  86400   IN      A
kasuga.                 86400   IN      NS      manami
                         86400   IN      NS      localhost

"dig . ns" and "dig . soa" return the expected results.  However if I try
to ask for the nameserver for the delegated domain (kasuga.), i.e.
"dig kasuga. ns" the dig hangs, and times out trying to contact servers.
Shouldn't I get a response based upon the root zone file specifying the
two hosts in the NS records?  Or am I setting up the root zone wrong?
You can respond by email to alansteiner at comcast dot net.


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