Problems with BIND from RHN

Ronni Jensen roj at
Fri Mar 31 14:46:04 UTC 2006


I have some RedHat Enterprise ES v4 running and have installed the
following BIND package from RHN: bind-9.2.4-2.x86_64.rpm


The package contains these files:























..and all I have in /etc/named.conf is:


// Default named.conf generated by install of bind-9.2.4-2

options {

        directory "/var/named";

        dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";

        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";


include "/etc/rndc.key";



In /var/named there is just an empty data/ and slaves/ dir...


Howcome there isn't generated a default named.conf containing the
basics, and options file and db.root etc? When I APT-installed BIND on
e.g. a Debian, they were there... 


Best regards,


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