Refused Notify from Non-master and SOA.MNAME

Merton Campbell Crockett m.c.crockett at
Fri Mar 31 03:06:54 UTC 2006

Several weeks ago, I asked a question about changing SOA.MNAME from  
an Internet-accessible name server to an internal name server.  This  
was done to resolve problems with Windows 2000 and Windows XP  
constantly attempting to dynamically update our external zone files  
and compromised systems attempting to use this mechanism to gain  
access to our network.

I got a little zealous in cleaning out my mailbox and deleted a  
response that indicated several potential problems that might need to  
be addressed.  I am now seeing messages of the following form being  

	.../IN:  refused notify from non-master:  ...

Are these related to changing SOA.MNAME or simply the result of the  
system identified as a non-master not having an NS record defined in  
the zone.

Merton Campbell Crockett
m.c.crockett at

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