Solaris9, bind9, chroot, "user 'named' unknown"

guice666 at guice666 at
Thu Mar 16 19:05:27 UTC 2006

I posted this within mailing.unix.bind-users but judging from the
seriously lack of activity in that group, I think it was poor choice.
So, I decided to cross post it into here. Sorry if anybody gets tiffled
about the crosspost.

I'm trying to get Bind9 installed under chroot, but I'm running into an
odd problem with "user 'named' unknown".

I have everything in the /opt/named/ directory for the bind binary. I
can run it just find w/out the -u named. I have only the named user
within /opt/named/etc/passwd, /opt/named/etc/group and
/opt/named/etc/shadow with those files with the exact same permissions
as the ones in /etc.

I run with the command: chroot /opt/named /sbin/named -u named -c
Error: named: user 'named' unknown.

It works w/out using chroot (ie: using /etc/ files); it works in chroot
w/out using -u named. But I can't seem to get it working under the
named user while under chroot.

Any ideas?

Thanks much

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