why do I get "No response from server"

Chris Thompson cet1 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 22 15:23:37 UTC 2006

On Jun 22 2006, Andrew Watkins wrote:
>I am still trying to fix a problem where some users round the world who 
>can not get an IP address for our server. http://www.lkl.ac.uk
>I have checked and our DNS seems to be working correctly. (i have tested 
>on many DNS web sites. i.e. www.dnsstuff.com)

When you last raised this, Stephane Bortzmeyer pointed out that the
delegation of lkl.ac.uk was fubar'ed. It still is.

The authoritative ac.uk nameservers believe that the nameservers for
lkl.ac.uk are


The first has a plausible copy of the zone, but the NS records in it
bear no relation to those above. The second doesn't know anything about
the zone, so this appears as a "lame delegation".

Until you get this fixed, you are going to have unpredictable results
depending on the order nameservers are queried. 

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at cam.ac.uk

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