Available DNS/BIND test suites

Rick Jones rick.jones2 at hp.com
Mon Jun 12 16:48:24 UTC 2006

Jim <k0jkj at arrl.net> wrote:
> What software does the software / hardware (hi, Rick) community use
> to test their BIND implementation and or the other available DNS
> servers.  I need to check thing down to the individual bits in each
> packet. not just whether I get a response that appears to be
> correct.

There are many Rick's out there - if you meant me I'll have to say
that my software - netperf - only measures performance.  It does not
attempt to gauge correctness.  Now, historically, the loads presented
by netperf _have_ uncovered bugs, but that is just a side benefit :)

People are free to take the netperf stuff and morph it into
correctness tests if they like, but I'm not terribly interested in
converting netperf into a functional test suite.

rick jones
a wide gulf separates "what if" from "if only"
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in hp.com but NOT BOTH...

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