AAAA and DDNS A Records coexist?

Danny Mayer mayer at
Thu Jul 13 11:25:41 UTC 2006

John Ruff wrote:
> Sorry for asking this (it may be obvious to others)...
> So, should this work or not?


> Thanks,
> ___________________
> John Ruff
> jcruff at
> "No one can see past a choice they don't understand." --The Oracle
> On Jul 12, 2006, at 7:30 AM, Danny Mayer wrote:
>> John Ruff wrote:
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;
>>>     charset=US-ASCII;
>>>     delsp=yes;
>>>     format=flowed
>>> dhcp-3.0.3_1
>>> bind-9.3.2 & bind-9.4.0a6
>>> It seems that I cannot have a static AAAA record and have DDNS update
>>> with a A record when the host name is the same.  With an existing
>>> AAAA record for 'bob' dhcp will fail adding the DDNS A record for
>>> 'bob'.  Is this expected behavior?  If so, I assume bind is checking
>>> for an existing A record with the same IP or Name as the one it's
>>> attempting to add.  But it's not taking into consideration the record
>>> type.  I would think adding a A record for 'bob' is fine if 'bob'
>>> only exist with a AAAA record.  Any way to make this work?
>>> The DDNS update work fine if I remove the AAAA record.
>> There's no relationship  between A records and AAAA records except for
>> being in the same rrset. It's also not meaningful to talk about a static
>>  AAAA record in a dynamic zone. If an update fails then it's because the
>> prerequisites failed. BIND doesn't care about what you're adding as long
>> as you are allowed to add it and doesn't violate RFC rules. It WILL
>> reject changes that if you've told it that there are prerequisites to
>> the requests and those prerequisites are not being met. Turn on
>> debugging/tracing to figure out why.
>> Danny
>>> Regards,
>>> ___________________
>>> John Ruff
>>> jcruff at
>>> "No one can see past a choice they don't understand." --The Oracle

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