Internal Master with external slaves

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Mon Jan 23 21:54:55 UTC 2006

We've had similar issues with our "hidden master" setup, and someone 
here suggested it was because our machines are multi-homed, and 
sometimes the NOTIFY packets come from an address which is unknown to a 
given slave, and thus are rejected. If this is the root cause, it should 
be fixable with some combination of notify-source and/or allow-notify, 
but I haven't got around to it yet...

- Kevin

Gabriel Granger wrote:

>Hi All,
>I've been using Bind for a while and decided that it would be a good  
>idea to move my master inside my private nat network.  I've made my  
>public master and slave servers both slaves to my internal master.   
>Which for the most part works fine, the problem I'm having, is when I  
>make changes on the master server it takes ages for the slaves to be  
>notified and grab the update.  Because I dont what the true location  
>of my master specified anywhere in the zone I've set the start of my  
>SOA as follows
>@       IN      SOA     dns- 
>which is what the WHOIS information shows, and I've told my slaves  
>where the real master is.  Having set this up, I'm now wondering if  
>the way I've done this is wrong? or do I need to additionally specify  
>other options to allow my slaves to update quicker?
>What is the best way of setting something like this up?
>Many thanks in advance,
>Gabe Granger

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