bind automatically updating secondary server with new zones

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Jan 17 23:26:17 UTC 2006

Jason wrote:

>I have 2 BIND dns servers.
>Is there a record, or perhaps a server setting, that will, in response to a
>zone being created on the master server to also be created on the slave
>Mind you, I'm not talking about changes to a zone file...  I'm talking about
>adding a new zone file outright.
There's nothing in BIND to support this. Commercial DNS-management 
products have their own, proprietary ways to do this, and many folks 
roll their own solutions, using an "index" zone (i.e. a zone that 
contains just a list of zones to slave), rsync'ed "include" files, 
traversal of the internal-root namespace, or whatever...

                                                               - Kevin

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