/var/cache/bind empty

Kevin Darcy kcd at daimlerchrysler.com
Tue Jan 10 02:05:23 UTC 2006

Barry Margolin wrote:

>In article <dpubfp$i78$1 at sf1.isc.org>,
> DenisG <denis.g1.no.spam at laposte.net> wrote:
>>There's a reference to /var/cache/bind in named.conf.options:
>>options {
>>     directory "/var/cache/bind";
>>Seems to be a location for additionnal conf files, I saw that Red Hat
>>install uses this directory for zone files. In named.conf I use full
>>path for zone files, so BIND didn't search here.
>The "directory" option is the default directory for all relative 
>pathnames used in the rest of the named.conf file.  If you use full 
>paths for everything then you don't need that option.
, where "everything" includes explicitly setting the locations of dump 
files, stats files, debug files, etc. within named.conf. Failure to that 
causes those files to be written to whatever the current working 
directory of the process invoking "named" happened to be. Also, core 
files, if any, will by default be written to the current working 
directory, and named itself can't override that, short of changing to 
another directory beforehand, although some modern *nix OS'es have ways 
to modify/override core-dumping behavior (e.g. coreadm on Solaris).

- Kevin

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