/var/cache/bind empty

DenisG denis.g1.no.spam at laposte.net
Thu Jan 5 18:16:32 UTC 2006


I just installed my first BIND on a Debian Sarge server, it seems to
work fine for LAN queries but before becoming my domain's DNS, I'd like
to understand some things:

I installed with apt-get install, everything is in /etc/bind
(named.conf, zone files). I thought /var/cache/bind was here to store
the cache, but I noticed it keeps empty. Is it an error in my conf?
If it's normal, what is this directory for?
And then where does BIND store the cache?

Thanks for your help


Site perso --> http://www.denisg.fr.to
Miam!   -->   http://fermedelangle.com

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