rcode servfail/adns

flatline flatline at greyhat.nl
Thu Feb 16 17:44:06 UTC 2006


I'm using adns and BIND to do mass reverse lookups for me, but I seem 
to have run into a problem which I couldn't fix for the past few 
days. For some reason, my PTR lookups (adns type adns_r_ptr_raw) are 
getting nothing but "unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) resolving 
'x.x.x.x.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN':" results. AFAIK my BIND 
configuration ( http://greyhat.nl/named.conf ) is fine, but seeing 
all these remote errors coming from ns.ripe.net make me wonder about 
the sanity of my setup. I realise that this is a rather vague problem 
description, but I haven't come across any obvious hints yet. If you 
need more information, I'll be more than happy to provide that. Right 
now I'm just looking for any insights at all, since I'm completely stuck!

Kind regards,

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