a small remark, maybe not the place for it....

Vaillant Daniel vaillant at ganil.fr
Fri Feb 3 11:56:30 UTC 2006

hi, list-manager

This list is prolific and generate a lot of interesting mails.
Some (many)  lists have the feature to start with a tag
let's say [BIND-USERS] for instance.
This enable to eye-catch and eye-sort and eventually MUA-sort the mail.

My question is: why not to join this way of doing for bind-users.

For the value of what can beconsidered by the holders of this list in the context of its deployment I ignore in first 

Thank you.
sy  VAILLANT Daniel       mailto:vaillant at ganil.fr
re  GANIL GIP (Syst&Res)  Vox:(+33)(0)2 31 45 46 84
mi  B.P. 5027             Fax:(+33)(0)2 31 45 46 65
@   14076 CAEN-Cedex 5    Web: http://www.ganil.fr
Le temps s'écoule, l'espace se dilate, l'énergie se matérialise et tout
le reste est commentaire.                Miche Cassé
                                         Du vide et de la création

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