tracking scammers by IP number

David Ford david at
Thu Dec 28 23:27:10 UTC 2006

been there done that, it's like reporting someone jaywalking in NYC, or 
someone throwing a cigarette butt on the ground.

the best you'll get out of this situation is to play up the scammer then 
make fun of them by posting your entire conversation on a blog and 
pointing the scammer to it.

if you want to spend exorbitant time and effort, you can do the legwork 
yourself of tracking the IPs and pinpointing a location and maybe just 
maybe if you're lucky get their ISP to disconnect them.  ..but 
unlikely.  you could be one of those highly enterprising people that 
manages to take the scammer for a ride ;)

Mark Andrews wrote:
> 	If you are being scammed talk to the police.  These sorts of
> 	scams have been shut down in the past but they need to be
> 	reported to the authorities for that to happen.
> 	Mark

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