Wildcards in reverse DNS

blueCommand bluecommand at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 22:53:11 UTC 2006

I'm playing around with my nameserver (BIND9.3.3) and it's IPv6 support.

My reverse is this:

$TTL 3600       ; 1 hour
@                               IN SOA ns1.cmd.nu. dns.cmd.nu. (
                                2006122211 ; serial
                                5400       ; refresh (1 hour 30 minutes)
                                900        ; retry (15 minutes)
                                604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
                                IN        NS      ns1.cmd.nu.

; Out of bounds
$ORIGIN 4.c.f.f.8.d.
*                               IN       PTR      out-of-bounds.ipv6.cmd.nu.

; Beef sub
$ORIGIN f.e.e.b.4.c.f.f.8.d. IN       PTR      brownie.cmd.nu.
7.b.7.b.2.6.e.f.f.f.9.2.c.0.2.0 IN       PTR      electron.cmd.nu.
a.6.c.3.3.4.e.f.f.f.9.2.c.0.2.0 IN       PTR      hermes.cmd.nu.
c.b.6.e.4.5.e.f.f.f. IN       PTR      thunder.cmd.nu IN       PTR      mars.cmd.nu
3.3.e.8.f.8.e.f.f.f.3.b. IN       PTR      constella.cmd.nu

*                               IN       PTR      not-active.ipv6.cmd.nu.

; Dead sub
$ORIGIN d.a.e.d.4.c.f.f.8.d. IN       PTR      brownie.cmd.nu. IN       PTR      ns1.cmd.nu.
*                               IN       PTR      tunnel.ipv6.cmd.nu.

And my entity in named.conf is like this:

zone "4.c.f.f.8.d." IN
        type master;
        file "zone/prim/rev-pub";

The problem is that it's only the out-of-bounds wildcard that works, even if
I split them to different files and / or move around / remove the oter
I simply can't get any beef sub och dead sub wildcards to work.

Anybody spot anything very wrong with this approch?

Greetings and marry Xmas!

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