How secure is rndc?

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at
Thu Dec 21 22:10:40 UTC 2006

	RNDC requires a shared key.  RNDC is not subject to replay
	attacks provided both the server and client are BIND 9.2.3
	or later.  Most rndc commands are benign if they are executed
	multiple times (rndc stop being the obvious exception).

	RNDC used cryptographic hashs, timestamps (hmac-md5 similar
	to TSIG) and nonces (9.2.3 onwards) to protect the transaction.

	The transaction itself is in the clear.


1480.   [bug]           Provide replay protection for rndc commands.  Full
                        replay protection requires both rndc and named to
                        be updated.  Partial replay protection (limited
                        exposure after restart) is provided if just named
                        is updated.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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