Changing output of bind

RZ rz at
Mon Dec 11 09:32:34 UTC 2006

Thx for your reply.

The task is to add a line to the normal output of named. I thought that
cannot be as hard...
And i won't violate any standards as it is for internal use only. But
what is the format of the message dig receives?!?! Could you explain a
little bit more please?

And how would it be possible to change dig's output?

Thx for any help,


>On Sun, Dec 10, 2006 at 07:58:55PM +0100,
> Roland Zoder <rz at> wrote
> a message of 36 lines which said:
>> For internal reasons I need to change the output of named.
>You certainly cannot: named produces replies in standard DNS wire
>format (RFC 1035) and you cannot change it or standard DNS clients
>(such as dig or any resolver) will not be able to use it.
>You can change dig's output format if this is what you want.

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