Alternative to RFC2317 -- Classless Delegation

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Sat Dec 9 01:27:40 UTC 2006

Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Dec 2006, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> [ka-snip]
>>> So, then the question (and I'm sure someone has a good answer for it) is:
>>> What is wrong with the NS-only scheme of doing things?  Clearly RFC2317 is
>>> as complex as it is for a reason, but I'm curious as to why.
>> That's perfectly valid too, and I'm surprised that RFC 2317 doesn't even
>> mention that approach (had to re-read it just to make sure).
>> I think there are multiple reasons why most people shy away from this:
>> 1) More records in the parent zone, since of course all zones are
>> required to have at least 2 nameservers, versus only 1 CNAME per IP
>> address under RFC 2317 (of course $GENERATE eases this)
>> 2) More zone definitions overall
>> 3) Zone-apex PTR records. Many if not most folks are used to thinking of
>> PTRs as "leaf" nodes and aren't very comfortable with seeing them at the
>> apex of a zone.
> I did just think of one thing, and that's that if someone was using the 
> zone answering for the "leaf" zone as a caching server...
> i.e. the customer who has has a partial 192.168.1.x zonefile 
> with of course, only his records...then goes to look up an IP he does NOT 
> have, against the same nameserver, I believe that nameserver will return 
> NXDOMAIN, even if the PTR *is* properly delegated to a secondary leaf 
> site.
Um, maybe I misunderstood your explanation. You wouldn't have a zone in the scheme I was envisioning, you'd have 
zones through where "x" 
and "y" mark the start and end of your assigned range. Anything outside 
of x through y would be resolved normally.

If you're trying to delegate "upwards", e.g. the NS record for points to a server that knows only about, then yes, that's evil and you should avoid doing 
that, for the same reason that you shouldn't define your own rogue 
".com" domain, just because you have a bunch of domains registered 
underneath that TLD and are too lazy to define each zone separately.

- Kevin

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