MX question

base60 nobody at
Tue Aug 22 22:46:30 UTC 2006

Jim wrote:
> I get a "PASS" for all fields.

Kindly don't "top post".

If you received a pass on all, it doesn't look like you have a
problem resolving legitimate MX records.

Refer person complaining to same.

> "base60" <nobody at> wrote in message 
> news:ecfam9$h07$1 at
>> Jim wrote:
>>> hi folks,
>>> I have a customer's dns server (bind - not sure of version) not able to
>>> resolve my mx records to one of my zones. Here are my current records:
>>>  100
>>>  200
>> Type in your domain and review the information regarding MX records.
>>> I'm being told from the customer that my mx records are formatted
>>> improperly. His argument is that his version of bind is unable resolve 
>>> the
>>> mx record when the domain name _does not_ appear at the end of the record
>>> (ie would work fine for him).
>>> Is this is a known problem with some versions of bind?
>>> Can someone point me to documentation that tells me proper/illegal syntax
>>> for my mx records.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim

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