bind-9.3.2 / CPU issue.

Kelsey Cummings kgc at
Tue Aug 15 21:53:43 UTC 2006

FWIW, I've seen similar behavior on some of our recusive servers in
specific roles.  The only thing that might be unusual about our config is
that a very high portion of the requests are going to forwarded zones.

It's be a consistent problem for us through all versions of bind 9 - we've
had to us bind 8 to keep them stable.  We suspected it could be a problem
with our compiler/libraries but the problem consistently occurs regardless
of what distribution or version we try to run.  (All linux.)

It seems to be load related - only affects two of our internal recursors
that do ~1k reqs/sec whereas our other more lightly loaded servers don't
exhibit the same exact symptoms (although they also have been known to spin
on the CPU.)

Kelsey Cummings - kgc at, inc.
System Architect                          2260 Apollo Way
707.522.1000                              Santa Rosa, CA 95407

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