1.5GB limit?

Pavel Urban urbanp at mlp.cz
Wed Aug 9 10:22:26 UTC 2006


is there a limit around 1.5GB of RAM in Bind 9.3.2? I can see that 
memory consumption of 'named' process goes up until it reaches approx 
1.5GB. Then it stops and I can see that there are UDP packets being 
thrown away (yes, I've already written here about that - problem with 
ACLs seem to be solved, the situation is better, but still not good). I 
have only some basic settings in named.conf and this server acts as 
cache/recursive DNS. Am I doing something wrong?

Dual Opteron, 6GB RAM (4GB free all the time :-( ), RedHat Enterprise 
Linux 4, 2.6.9-34.ELsmp kernel.

options {
         directory "/var/named";
         dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
         statistics-file "/var/named/data/named-stats.log";
         recursing-file "/var/named/data/named.recursing";
          allow-recursion { 127/8; 194.228/16; 192.168/16; 172.16/12; 
10/8; 80.188/16; 160.218/16;;; 
83.208/16; 85.70/15; 88.100/14; };
          notify no;
          recursion yes;
          cleaning-interval 60;
          interface-interval 0;
          recursive-clients 150000;
          serial-query-rate 5;
          datasize 4G;

controls {
         inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };

logging {
   channel sys {
     file "/var/log/named/sys.log";
     severity info;
     print-time yes;

   category config {
   category default {
   category lame-servers {

...and several zones that I want to respond immediately with NXDOMAIN 
(zone file with just SOA and NS to localhost)

[root at dns3 ~]# netstat -s |grep "packet receive error"
     674236828 packet receive errors


Pavel Urban (pavel.urban at ct.cz)
IOL system disaster (www.iol.cz)
Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. - www.telecom.cz
    Vegetables should not operate electronic equipment.
           Computer Stupidities, http://rinkworks.com/stupid/

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