DNS - bind9 and MS

Vinny Abello vinny at tellurian.com
Tue Sep 20 18:51:04 UTC 2005

At 09:35 AM 9/20/2005, you wrote:
>I have a small linux-based subnet that I administer at work.  I have my
>own dhcp and named servers behind a firewall.
>The main network runs Windows Server 2003 - based DNS servers.  Is there a
>how-to somewhere that describes how to get MS DNS to act as a slave to a
>ISC BIND daemon, and/or how to set up zone transfers between the two?
>I know how to set up zone transfers between two BIND daemons; I know
>nothing about MS DNS.
>I've googled about; everything seems to assume that one is fairly
>knowledgeable about MS DNS.  Alas, that is not so...

There's not too much to be knowledgeable about. It's not that hard. 
You can stumble across the way to do it by just clicking the mouse in 
the DNS Management snap-in tool.

If you absolutely need a hint: Assuming it's a forward zone and you 
want the MSDNS server to be secondary, right click on forward zones, 
select new zone and follow the wizard.

If you want BIND to be the slave, configure it the way you would for 
any other server. Should generally work. All the settings for 
securing zone transfers are a mouse click away on the properties in MSDNS.

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
vinny at tellurian.com
(973)300-9211 x 125
(973)940-6125 (Direct)
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