Adding a new zone

Barry Margolin barmar at
Sat Sep 17 02:44:05 UTC 2005

In article <dgf4vj$2fdk$1 at>,
 "Jacob Laack" <JLaack at> wrote:

> My company's users found out that the .org version of our intranet site =
> has been bought and is pointing to some nasty website.  We already own and =
> use the .com domain for our intranet portal.  I would like to create a new =
> zone for the .org domain on our internal dns servers to point to the .com =
> domain.  This way we can prevent them from going to the nasty site.

Your own users can't remember whether your domain is .com or .org?  Just 
how clueless are your users, and why don't they just use bookmarks or 
domain search lists so they don't have to deal with it?

Barry Margolin, barmar at
Arlington, MA
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