Recommended setup with large cache memory

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Sep 13 03:31:25 UTC 2005

Danny Mayer wrote:
> So programmers face two problems when implementing threads:
> 1. What to long and for how long? (You want to make the latter as short
> as possible; and
That should say: 1. What to LOCK and for how long

> There are advantages to using threads in BIND, aside from being able to
> take advantage of multiprocessors. It can be responding to queries,
> cleaning cache, reloading a zone, transferring a zone and continue to
> respond to queries at the same time. It can't be responsive if it's not
> multithreaded even if overall performance is better.

I should mention that the taskmanager does a good job even in the 
absence of threads and multiprocessors but the granularity is much 
coarser and you can't interrupt the processes that that have to run like 
you can with threads.


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