How to delegate public IP zone internally

Greg Chavez greg.chavez at
Tue Sep 6 18:30:33 UTC 2005

My customer has several consecutive blocks registered with
ARIN, but none of them seem to have been delegated to them as zones.  Normally this is not a problem, because my
customer uses these blocks strictly for  internal addressing.  We
allow some of their smaller units throughout the country to manage
their own /24 zones by serving as stealth slaves.  A simple slave
statement in named.conf allows all other units to see their respective
zones.  The problem is this:

An admin for one of these units has decided that he doesn't want to
let us - the DNS mothership -  do zone transfers anymore, negating the
stealth zone idea.  As it stands, nobody outside of their unit can see
their zone.  The admin for the rogue unit is being
intransigent... or am I?

Is there any other way I can delegate these zones without claiming
authority for and breaking many public lookups?  It
seems to me that the stealth slave route is the simplest,
hardest-to-break route here.  If you can, please tell me otherwise.

--Greg Chavez

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