Glue records and unable to resolve

lamerfreak laaaaamerfreeeeeak at
Fri Sep 2 18:25:21 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:49:55 -0500, "Simon Dodd"
<simon.dodd at JOINKLLC.COM> wrote:

>[hostmaster at linux1 master]$ dig ZEE.MASTERMINDPRO.COM +short
>[hostmaster at linux1 master]$ dig DOUBLEU.MASTERMINDPRO.COM +short
>[hostmaster at linux1 master]$ dig EWE.MASTERMINDPRO.COM +short
>[hostmaster at linux1 master]$ dig EX.MASTERMINDPRO.COM +short
>[hostmaster at linux1 master]$ dig WHY.MASTERMINDPRO.COM +short
>This is obviously a pretty silly way to have your DNS set up, but to my
>understanding of glue records, it shouldn't be a problem - because
>surely, when you run a query, the parent zone should return the IP
>addresses of the auth name servers (which do respond) not the names? By
>reduction alone, this is all I'm left with though:

Their own nameservers don't respond authoritatively for themselves as

~$ dig @

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:      1200    IN      SOA 6007 3600 600 1209600 1200

If the nameserver itself states authoritatively that it doesn't exist,
well, logically...

Believe it depends on your configuration as to whether to trust glue,
but I can't say for sure off the top of my head.

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