Bind 9.3.1 / RNDC Small Problem

Otis Surratt Jr. listacc at
Mon Nov 28 08:23:06 UTC 2005


here are my files I got bind to answer. But rndc doesn't work now. Since 
I told it to listen on it doesn't work now but bind still 
does which mean I will have to killall  named to add a zone or make a 
change. Tell me what I am doing wrong. Also freebsd 6.0 comes shipped 
with bind 9.3.1 on it. and I deinstalled it and installed a new one from 
/usr/ports/dns/bind9 and i added in the rc.conf   
and named_enable="YES" which i believe is a non base install. should I 
need to do a base install to fix everything?

NAMED.CONF FILE ------------------

controls {
// this allows rndc to be used from the localhost
// to talk to bind on the loopback interface
// using the key defined as 'rndc-key'

inet allow {; } keys { rndckey; };


// the rest of the key configuration is in
// /etc/rndc.conf and the key itself is in
// /etc/rndc.key

key "rndckey" {

// how was the key encoded

algorithm hmac-md5;

// what is the pass-phase for the key

secret "k7b29GPOWkONf+QhrnTD/9xl8C8PkPD/eJ33tr5AicA=" ;


RNDC.CONF FILE ------------------------------

/* $Id: rndc.conf, v 1.7 2001/01/09 21:40:45 bwelling Exp $ */

options {
        default-key    "rndckey";
server {
        key     "rndckey";
key "rndckey" {
        algorithm       hmac-md5;
        secret  "k7b29GPOWkONf+QhrnTD/9xl8C8PkPD/eJ33tr5AicA=";

RNDC.KEY FILE ----------------------

key "rndckey" {
        algorithm       hmac-md5;
        secret  "k7b29GPOWkONf+QhrnTD/9xl8C8PkPD/eJ33tr5AicA=";

Otis Surratt Jr. / listacc at

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